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Canada Geese Switch Diet to Berries & Grains

12-4-14  Canada geese2 IMG_5615During migration and throughout the winter, Canada Geese are highly gregarious, often gathering and feeding in flocks that consist of over a thousand geese. Almost exclusively herbivorous, they are efficient grazers, having serrations on their stout, flat bills. During summer they feed primarily on grasses and sedges. Considered a nuisance by many people with large lawns Canada Geese are attracted to these lawns not only because they can digest grass, but also because they have an unobstructed view that allows them to detect approaching predators. During and following migration, berries (especially blueberries) and agricultural grains including sorghum, corn and winter wheat make up most of their diet. When you see them in cornfields, they are feeding on fallen kernels as well as corn still on dry cobs — they are very good at removing the kernels.

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2 responses

  1. Such a successful and adaptive species. Sometimes too successful. I know they are just doing their thing, but I will forever sadly connect them with bringing down the airplane on the Hudson River. The question is, “How can we peacefully and safely coexist, particularly in urban areas?” In the game of man vs. nature, the animals often lose.

    December 4, 2014 at 7:02 pm

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