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Eastern Coyote Pups Exploring

6-5-19 standing coyote pup2 1B0A1576When they are three weeks old, Eastern Coyote pups emerge from their dens and see the world for the first time. At first they stay very close to the den, but within a short time the pups are exploring the surrounding territory. Soon they will be accompanying their parents on their forays, learning how to hunt.

Looking and acting much like Red Foxes, one discernible difference is the color of the tip of their tail. Unlike Red Foxes, which have white-tipped tails, Eastern Coyote pups’ dusky-colored tail tips (hard to see in photo) eventually turn black. (Thanks to Marc Beerman, for photo op.)

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5 responses

  1. Thanks for the handy tip on the difference between fox kits and coyote pups! Good to know!

    June 3, 2019 at 7:49 am

  2. What a lovely photo! The red fox’s black legs is another way to distinguish them.

    June 3, 2019 at 8:34 am

  3. Alice Pratt

    What an adorable pup! Marc Beerman is talented!

    June 3, 2019 at 11:45 am

  4. Kim H

    So cute !

    June 3, 2019 at 4:01 pm

  5. Bill On The Hill

    That adorable little pup will grow up to be the top predator in the NE & it is NOT a native specie & man himself has played a large part in why not only the NE is dealing with this problem, also urban areas all around the country now. Man did too good a job of eradicating the Big Bad Wolf, formerly a sworn enemy of all coyotes, however, both species smartened up, they began mating with one another & now the vast majority of coyotes today have a mixed blood of both species…
    Based on my observations on my land, they run a grid pattern all along the ridgelines from the top down or reverse until they have consumed every rabbit they can get their jaws around. They have a knack for sniffing out fawns too. Once they wipe out an area of small game, rabbits, game birds, fawns on occasion, voles, ( a personal favorite of coyotes ) etc., they move on to the next area & repeat the process. Open season on them here in VT does NOT work as they simply breed more to compensate for the lower population numbers.
    Great post Mary… :~)

    June 5, 2019 at 9:01 am

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