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Book releases

New Children’s Book Release

“Animals are all around us. While we may not often see them, we can see signs that they’ve been there. Some signs might be simple footprints in snow or mud (tracks) and other signs include chewed or scratched bark, homes or even poop and pee (traces). Children will become animal detectives after learning how to “read” the animal signs left all around. Smart detectives can even figure out what the animals were doing! This is a perfect sequel to Mary Holland’s Animal Anatomy and Adaptations series.” (Arbordale Publishing)

Second Edition of Naturally Curious Released

e-cover of NC II -100 ppiNine years after the original edition of Naturally Curious came out, a second edition is being released. New photos have been added and updates have been made. I am delighted that it is still in print, especially because numerous schools and colleges have incorporated Naturally Curious into their curricula and I would love to see this practice continue. Thank you for purchasing a copy of the first edition – your endorsement is what made a second edition possible! A short “book trailer” video of the new edition can be seen here: .  If you are interested in purchasing a copy of the new edition, you can order directly from the publisher by clicking on the image of the cover on the Naturally Curious blog site, or you can order it from online bookstores.

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