An online resource based on the award-winning nature guide –

Archive for June 15, 2020

Naturally Curious Hiatus

Naturally Curious will be on hiatus for the next month or so due to a move I am making across the state of Vermont to the town of Shelburne.  I will sorely miss the hills, fields, streams and woods of the Upper Valley, but look forward to making new discoveries in the Champlain Valley.  (I’m hoping readers who live near my new abode will be as helpful in letting me know about local flora and fauna as those in the Upper Valley have been over the past 17 years!)

The Naturally Curious blog will resume as soon as I have settled and have a working computer.  The timing of this move isn’t ideal, as there is so much happening this time of year that I would love to be out photographing and sharing with readers, but I look forward to being able to do that again in the very near future, hopefully in July. Thank you so much for your patience and support. Stay naturally curious and may the next month be filled with exciting discoveries! And please stay healthy.  (Photo:  Showy Lady’s Slipper,Cypripedium reginae)

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