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Archive for November 18, 2020

2021 Naturally Curious Calendar Orders

The Naturally Curious 2021 calendars have been mailed out, but due to a computer malfunction I am requesting that anyone who placed an order for one or more calendars and has not received them by the end of this week to please email me (  I want to be sure that every order is filled and no-one has been overlooked.  Thank you!

I also want to let you know that I ordered quite a few extra calendars this year, so if there’s anyone who didn’t make the ordering deadline and would still like to place an order, please feel free to do so. The calendars will be mailed out as soon as I receive your order.

Orders for the  2021 Naturally Curious calendar can be placed by writing to me at 505 Wake Robin Drive, Shelburne, VT  05482. The calendars are printed on heavy card stock and measure 11” x 17” when hanging. There is one full-page photograph per month. The calendars are $35.00 each (includes postage). Please specify the number of calendars you would like to order, the mailing address to which they should be sent and your email address (so I can easily and quickly contact you if I have any questions). Your check can be made out to Mary Holland. Thank you very much.