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Beavers Mating

2-17-17-beaver-img_3766Under ice-covered ponds and lakes in dark, cold water, sometime between December and March, beavers mate. Latitude and climate affects the length of the breeding season, which is shorter and later in colder, more northern locations and longer and earlier in warmer, more southerly regions. February is the peak mating season for New England beavers.

Beavers are classified as monogamous, as once a bond has formed, they remain as a pair throughout their life until one of the pair dies, at which point a new mate is found. However, this does not mean they don’t stray. In a study of beaver colony genetics, researchers discovered that more than half of the litters had been sired by two or more males. So much for monogamy.

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4 responses

  1. Alice Pratt

    I think “so much for monogomy” happens more often than people think.😮🤐

    February 20, 2017 at 8:02 am

  2. Alice Pratt

    …and look at those adorable hands!

    February 20, 2017 at 8:46 am

  3. Monika Grunberg

    I suggest that maybe life-long pair bonding (e.g. for raising raising the young together) and having sex with only one and the same sexual partner (e.g. monogamy) may be two separate things in the animal world, hence the term monogamy maybe misleading

    February 21, 2017 at 9:28 pm

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